In this video, Jevon Dangeli demonstrates a simple jumi exercise to de-stress
Release stress from your mind and body in less than 2 minutes.
The exercise taught in this video is also a good way to stretch your awareness ‘muscles’ and overcome the tunnel vision caused by excessive screen time.
Practicing jumi promotes:
- healing
- confidence
- mindfulness
- core strength
- concentration
- emotion regulation
- healthy self-esteem
- mind-body awareness
- performance enhancement
The core objective of jumi is to develop open awareness (embodied mindfulness) and the ability to maintain it in all types of situations.
View our schedule to see dates and locations of all jumi sessions and events.
Contact us to arrange jumi sessions, retreats, or a jumi camp for kids in your area.
Jumi is a nonprofit initiative developed by Jevon Dangeli, MSc Psychology, 40 years judo experience.