
Practicing jumi can open the aperture of your perspective on life. Spacebooking helps to integrate your new perspectives.

Spacebooking involves either doing a jumi exercise or listening to a guided process to establish open awareness, then integrating your experience through writing, drawing or other forms of expression.

This makes journaling fun for kids, appealing and constructive for teenagers, and serves adults as a meaningful and stimulating process.

Spacebooking can be done by yourself and serve as a means to compile your autobiography. It can also be done in pairs or groups, either in-person or online.

Spacebooking can be used as a problem-solving method, as open awareness dissolves stress while promoting mindfulness and adaptability.

Ultimately, Spacebook is for cultivating a deeper sense of connection between people and nature, contemplating topics that influence all of humanity and Earth, and inspiring the creation of ideas and actions to benefit all.

Spacebook was created by Jevon Dangeli and Jana Allmrodt to promote open awareness and eco-logical (win-win-win) outcomes globally.

Discover how Spacebooking works and its benefits.