In this video Jevon Dangeli demonstrates the full basic level jumi sequence
The core objective of jumi is to develop open awareness (embodied mindfulness)
All jumi sequences involve cyclical breathing – inhaling through the nose for all inward movements and exhaling slowly from the mouth for all outward movements. There is no holding of breath or posture, rather a constant flow of movements lead by cyclical breathing – embodying the natural flow of life.
Practicing jumi promotes:
- healing
- confidence
- mindfulness
- core strength
- concentration
- emotion regulation
- healthy self-esteem
- mind-body awareness
- performance enhancement
View our schedule to see dates and locations of all jumi sessions and events.
Contact us to arrange jumi sessions, retreats, or a jumi camp for kids in your area.
Jumi is a nonprofit initiative developed by Jevon Dangeli, MSc Psychology, 40 years judo experience.